gsm signal jammer to protect yourself

Can someone hack my FloCase NFC launcher? I support the FloCase kickstarter project. I only need iPhone 5 to support NFC, but I recently discovered that the API source code of FloCase has been opened. I want to know if anyone can hack it? If you are really worried, you can use a gsm signal jammer to protect yourself.

FloCase is a good device, it can enable NFC on your iOS device. It is suitable for iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPhone5. FloCase can be used on the iPhone, but the FloJack plugged into the 3.5mm jack can also be used on the third or fourth generation iPad, including previous versions, and even the fifth generation iPod. Touch.

Many people still don’t use NFC, and even more people don’t even know what it is. NFC or Near Field Communication is a technology that connects mobile gadgets to all NFC-enabled devices in the area. It works like Bluetooth, but you don’t need to pair these devices. NFC technology is mainly used for electronic payments, but this is not the only realization of this technology.

Many devices (such as Nokia Play Up portable speakers) support short-range communication. This technique is used for audio streaming. These FloCase and FloJack devices use open source code, so anyone can program the wireless NFC tag as needed. Therefore, your mobile device will be able to read and react to the code after programming the code.

If you really need to prevent these short-range communications, then may provide you with a solution. As you know, NFC uses radio frequencies to transmit data. You should know that this technology is based on RFID technology, which is used for RF identification. Our VHF/UHF jamming equipment will interfere with these two standards. You should be aware that it will also block all CCTV cameras in the area around you.