Different jammers need to be used in different occasions

Are you considering using cell phone jammers in buildings or business premises? If so, you may be curious about how they actually work and how they affect your phone. If a jammer is used, a radio signal with lower power will be sent. This signal may interrupt the communication between the mobile phone and its cellular base station. In this case, “No Service” will be displayed on all phones in the affected area, and incoming calls will be blocked. The caller just feels as if the phone is off.

Therefore, when using active interference, you do not have to worry about harming yourself or others. Police, fire and emergency services, and pager users can still communicate with each other, but your customers, clients, or students will not be disturbed by non-emergency chats on their mobile phones, thus ensuring a quiet environment. Once the portable jammer is turned off, the phone will automatically re-establish communication with the cell phone base station-people affected by the jammer can receive cell phone services again. It should be noted that using a jammer will not damage the phone in any way. It should also be noted that the same situation applies to each GPS jammer model that we also carry with us.