The shielding of the jammer depends on the signal strength in your area

Mobile phone jammers can interfere with WiFi, CDMA, GSM, DCS/PCS, 3G signals. The perfect multifunctional WiFi jammer, depending on the signal strength in your area. The maximum blocking range is 15 meters. The WiFi signal blocker design is really great. There is a cooling fan inside. We can guarantee good conditions of use. Using Wi-Fi signal jammers, you can stay away from the noise of mobile phone calls and in a quiet environment, and prevent the tracking of mobile phone signal jammers. You can also protect network security. You can also prevent others from using it. Mobile jammers can be used in many other regions and places.

LOJACK Blocker

Currently, there are 4G network signals on the market. In the world of innovation, new technologies are needed. A few years ago, I heard of 3G mobile phones. Today, 4G signals are becoming more and more popular. Interference devices such as deterrent devices have been developed. This is possible due to continuous improvements in technology. When doing important work, it is best to use the wifi jammer of the 4G mobile phone to prevent unnecessary calls. Some products have a handheld design. You can take it with you. Especially the latest models are designed for the latest smart phones. Use new interference technology. It has excellent performance. It has the appearance of hard aluminum. Such a 3G jammer is very convenient. Safe and practical in daily life and work. Other signals can be blocked. Can meet various needs. Its working conditions are very good. Purchase this device. For you, this is indeed an ideal decision.

Many detainees continue to organize illegal drug trade in prisons. Mobile phones are an important means for prisoners to keep drug organizations operating normally and under strict control. By contacting visitors, prisoners can arrange the transfer of drugs and drug paraphernalia so that they can continue to maintain the same illegal habits as the detainees. Families are often harassed by detained relatives and ask for bail when they realize that relatives are being better detained. An important issue is the prisoner’s ability to contact witnesses before an upcoming hearing, trial or appeal. By making comparisons without any reason or correcting the conflicts in the testimony, the defendant can reduce or completely withdraw the charges. The most worrisome concern that prisons are fighting is that prisoners used undiscovered cell phones to warn other prisoners of the surprising search that might confiscate cell phones, knives, drugs, syringes and other contraband. For educators and medical staff working in one of the worst and insidious work environments, this smuggled product can be life-threatening.