GPS jammers can provide customized services

Of course, there are many signal jammers on the market that can block various signals, including common signal types, cell phone signals, wifi signals, GPS signals, etc. Devices that interfere with multiple signals are more likely to be liked by people. Customers, everyone wants to have multi-function devices so that they can be used in multiple fields. Not only that, many signal gps jammer shops today also provide customized services, not just a combination of fixed signal types.

A system aimed at the privacy of Android phones exposed the theft loopholes. The attacker sends SMS messages with Trojan virus to the user’s phone. When the user clicks on the link in the text, the user can steal the user’s private information unknowingly. The application in the phone is cloned to the attacker. If there is a loophole in the APP, the attacker can access the user’s private information by clicking the link of the Trojan horse virus and entering the loophole APP. May cause damage to the user’s property. A large number of illegal workers with similar Android software can use the loopholes to copy the program content directly to the mobile phone. Other people with loopholes, the person in charge of the Jiyang City laboratory told reporters that they found the loopholes to be so serious at the beginning, when there are also I am also afraid of multiple programs.

Ordinary GPS, every ten seconds to several seconds, the server sends the current GPS location, GPS usually must be bounced, because the power consumption is high, and it is also the easiest to find, as long as you find a relatively empty place, there will be no one around 20 Meter-long handheld gps jammer, its sensitivity is adjustable below two frequencies of 910, 900 and 910, from inside to outside, with an interval of 20 cm, and a pause of 20 seconds to see if the signal can be detected. If two frequency bands are found When the signal is passed through the mobile phone again, the signal strength is high. When the signal is full, the GPS will be within 20 cm. Just turn on the search again. 900 and 910 correspond to the frequencies generated by the two GSM mobile and China Unicom cards when sending GPS information, but they need to be based on the base frequency of local mobile and China Unicom.