Mobile jammers are very important for legality

Current data shows that compared with the control group, the MCHC of the mature group exposed to the interfering device has increased. According to reports, short-term and long-term exposure of mature rats to ELFEMF has no effect on MCHC. Our results in rats exposed to interferents confirm the above report. Another study reported that rabbits exposed to electromagnetic fields (6 W) had higher power and increased MCHC compared to the control group. The results of our study on rats exposed to interfering substances are consistent with the above reports. This contradictory result may be due to the nature of radiation generated by telephone jammers or EMF devices. It seems that interference radiation eliminates the influence of radio waves on MCHC.

Compared with the control group, the results of adult rats showed that the RDWCV of the disturbed and disturbed groups was significantly reduced and the hemoglobin content increased. In rabbits and young rabbits exposed to EMF, hemoglobin content and RDWCV did not change significantly. It has been detected that short-term exposure of rats treated with ELFEMF can cause a decrease in hemoglobin content. However, in the long run, this will not have a major impact. We detected that short-term and long-term exposure of rats to ELFEMF had no effect on RDWCV 23. Our results are contrary to those obtained by Cakir et al. This may be due to the blocking effect of parasitic radiation on ELFEMF.

Another reason is that the authorities want to retain exclusive control over the use of these measures for repressive, security and military purposes. The United States, Canada, and India are some examples of countries that prohibit certain people (except certain law enforcement agencies) from using cell phone jammer. Italy goes further, even these agencies can only operate telephone jammers with specific authorization. In Pakistan, Singapore, and Iran, saboteurs are only legal to licensees, and it can be assumed that it is difficult for non-governmental entities to obtain these licenses. This does not mean that the rules always make sense. In the UK, it is legal to own but not use cell phone jammers.