Mobile jammers ensure the normal progress of meetings

At present, there are many brands of mobile phone signal jammers on the market, but they are basically divided into two categories, engineering machines and ordinary machines. As the name implies, engineering machines are generally used for high-demand and high-standard projects, and their characteristics require stable performance, work matching according to the on-site radio environment, and 24-hour uninterrupted operation. Ordinary phones are devices that are generally used temporarily for a short period of time, and their performance is unknown, which may affect the signal of others to use the mobile phone, and it may also be possible to block the area that you want to block but cannot be effectively implemented. Usually there are not many people in the conference room, and people gather only when they need to have a meeting, and at the same time, there is a situation where mobile phones are gathered. During the meeting, it is very likely that this person’s cell phone will ring for a while, and that person’s cell phone will ring for a while. Therefore, it is very necessary to install a mobile cell phone jammer in the meeting room. On the one hand, it cuts off the influence of the mobile phone on the meeting, and on the other hand, it can also effectively assist the confidentiality of the meeting content.

During the college entrance examination, in addition to feeling congestion and quietness around the school, mobile phone signals may also be bad. At this time, you must not resent the operator. As a college entrance examination candidate, you found a router-like device when you walked into the examination room. Don’t be “excited” It is possible to “Internet”, it may be a “mobile phone signal jammer.” “Mobile phone signal jammers” can work perfectly. At that time, most operators used relatively fixed frequency bands, with narrow bandwidth, and interference was relatively easy. As can be seen from the above figure, in mobile communication technology, 2G mainly works in the 900/1800MHz frequency band, 3G works in the 1900-2100MHz frequency band, and 4G works in the 2300-2500MHz frequency band.