Mobile phone jammer resists various attacks from various hackers

If you think that an expensive GSM compatible car anti-theft system can 100% protect your car from various thieves and kidnappers, and also provides many options to control the car, then you may be wrong. Of course, your smartphone or simple mobile phone can be used as a car alarm remote, but remember that these modern smartphones are vulnerable to various hackers and attacks. Therefore, using a mobile cell phone jammer such as a mobile device anti-theft device is not the best idea. However, the GSM car alarm system has several advantages. First, all code capture devices used for hijacking will become completely unusable. You can also start the engine remotely, which is very convenient if your car is parked outside in winter.

I recently purchased a 3G jamming device, but it does not seem to work properly. I’m sure my device will block all video calls around me, but it won’t. How should I do? You are correct, most video calls use 3G connections, if you block them, you will not be able to make video calls. Jammer-Shop can predict several reasons for interference, 3G will not work properly. Fist first: It may be damaged, but I suggest you can still find it. The second reason may be the distance between you and the target. In this case, it is sufficient to check the working range of the equipment and maintain the distance between the target and the target. There may also be a base station nearby, so the interference radius will be smaller.

These types can also use non-3G connections for video calls. You know, they can use a Wi-Fi internet connection to achieve their purpose, and there are many applications that can help achieve this. For example, one of them is FaceTime. You can use it to make video calls with iOS devices over the Internet. 3G jammers cannot be used with Wi-Fi because their frequencies do not match. 3G uses 2100 MHz and Wi-Fi-2400 MHz.