GPS jamming weapons pose a huge threat

Canada had considered allowing blocking in similar situations. But Industry Canada, which regulates the country’s telecommunications, decided against it, saying the devices could infringe on personal freedom and affect public safety by crippling communication with law enforcement and security agencies.

Experts are starting to delve into how well the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite navigation network resists the effects of electronic GPS jammer— intentional or accidental. The emerging answer is not very well.

The news of the spy plane’s GPS troubles comes on the heels of rumors that North Korea is working on a new (or souping up an old) jammer. South Korean officials have claimed that Kim’s jammers had a range of between 50-100 kilometers. But a South Korean Defense Ministry report on Tuesday indicated that the North is at work on a jammer with a range of more than 100 km.

If permitted, the school will jam cell phone frequencies during class time but not between classes or during lunch. “We believe that there are times during the school day that parents need to have access to students and students need to have access to family members, and doctors and things like that,” said Hook.

The second was a spinoff of the Russian system manufactured domestically in North Korea, which is believed to have similar capabilities but costs less on the open market. South Korean intelligence has claimed that in early 2010, North Korea purchased a new 24-Watt jammer from Russia – capable of jamming GPS reception within a 400 kilometer radius, which basically covers the entire Korean Peninsula.

GPS jamming capabilities have been a taboo subject within the Israeli defense establishment and IDF for years, with officers dissuaded from even discussing the potential vulnerability. But as the possibility of a new conflict looms on the horizon, there is no ignoring the likelihood of Israeli bombs being rendered satellite-less in a future