How does a cell phone jammer work?

1. What are cell phone jammer?
Cell phone jammers are transmitters that specifically interfere with licensed services operated by cellular operators, including 2G (GSM), 3G, and 4G networks (LTE), and equivalent services such as:

2. What are GPS jammers?
GPS jammers are transmitters that specifically disrupt GPS devices and deactivate the GPS device.

3. How do cell phone jammers work?
Cell phone jammers effectively disable cell phones. A mobile phone works by communicating with its service network through a base station. A cell phone jammer normally prevents the cell phone from receiving signals from base stations. Therefore, the mobile phone does not try to send to a base station even though it is within range.

4. But the jammer I bought will only jam signals from five to ten meters. What is the problem?
Cell phone jammers and GPS jammers are not devices due to the serious risks regardless of distance. While many jammers advertise a radius of five to ten meters, this is once a cell phone or GPS device. If the device was within range of the jammer, the phone still seems to work, but generally cannot send or receive calls until the device is switched off and on again to reconnect the device to the network.

5. Can I go to jail for a jammer?
Yes. An individual can be detained for up to two years if he is found guilty of supplying, owning, or operating a jamming device, and organizations can be fined up to $ 270,000 (1,500 penalty units). Solitary confinement can also be detained for up to five years if found guilty of causing interference that could endanger the safety of another person, or cause harm or substantial damage, and organizations can be fined $ 900,000 (5,000 penalty units) are imposed.

6. Can I import a jammer to Australia?
No. ACMA has entered into agreements with Australian Post to detect and deliver prohibited devices that are in international mail traffic. ACMA also has a similar agreement with customs and relationships with private international mail carriers to hand over prohibited devices upon delivery. Between June 2010 and December 2011, 279 devices were recognized and handed over to ACMA. As a result, ACMA sent letters to the intended recipients, noting that the device they purchased online is prohibited from a foreign retailer. was forfeited to the Commonwealth; and that fines may be imposed if a person is found to violate Section 189 of the RadioCommunications Act 1992 if it is determined that they have bought a prohibited device again. ACMA staff also work closely with the Australian Federal Police and state police forces to identify and identify jammers. Whips discovered by the police are imposed under the various criminal sanctions that apply to the jurisdiction in which the devices are discovered. Since early 2010, ACMA has been monitoring the Internet regularly to identify jammers that are available for sale by both Australian-based companies and overseas companies. ACMA has also written to a number of overseas companies to inform them of legal requirements in Australia and to increase the transmission of jammers. Australia could result in the devices being intercepted. Some of the first website sellers have disclaimers on their websites that recommend buyers to check the legal requirements of the country in which they are located.

7. What can I do if there is a suspicion that a jammer is interfering with my device?
If you suspect the delivery, possession or operation of a jammer, we recommend that you contact the jammer shop at the following address:

8. How can I determine whether a jammer is operating?
An interrupted signal does not necessarily mean that there is a cell phone jammer nearby. Signal loss can be caused by several factors, e.g. B. by physical obstacles, a high volume of calls in the area or by the range of a service provider or roaming. If no service interruptions occur and the authorized communication is disrupted, the ACMA technical staff can use special devices to identify the specific location of a jammer.

9. Where can I find more information about Stö