Stealing cars with jammers is getting easier

The signal jammer was originally designed to block the signal, a strange thing has recently happened in Ireland, use criminals to commit crimes.

Irish thieves are becoming smarter and more tech-savvy – which means Irish car owners need to be more careful than ever.

Gardai says the use of signal jammers to steal cars is becoming more common, and according to a new victim, insurance companies are refusing to pay for these thefts as there are no signs of violent entry.

The victim told the sun: “It was still completely dark when I parked. Over € 4,000 (photography) stuff was taken out of the trunk and glove compartment.

“Gardai in Swords told me about the cell phone blocker that you can buy online for 35 euros.

“But the insurance company refuses to pay because there are no signs of violent or violent entry.”

The cheap chips can be bought online for just € 35 and are simple enough for literally everyone to use.

How do the jammers work?

The jammers essentially interfere with the radio signal that is sent between your key fob and the car, which would block your car when you leave the vehicle.

If a jammer is blocked near a car, the device can block the signal between the two and prevent the fob from locking the vehicle.

Gardai has advised car owners to take additional precautions with their vehicles, including parking in well-lit areas, near CCTV, and in garages where possible.

However, the easiest thing a car owner can do to prevent this from happening is to simply check that your car is actually locked. Be on guard for your car’s flashing lights, car beeps, etc. or whatever your vehicle normally does when you lock.