The portable jammer for radio communications violates federal law

State prison officials and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) met in the country’s capital on Wednesday to discuss cell phones that are banned in prisons. South Carolina Commissioner of Corrections Bryan Stirling attended the meeting and said on behalf of SC Stirling that this is the first time that prison officials, the Federal Communications Commission […]

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Pick the right cell phone jammer

Frequency detectors are devices designed to detect different frequency groups. These devices usually have a certain frequency spectrum and specific functions. Radio frequency (RF) detectors are very effective in locating spy microphones (spying errors) and other intrusive devices designed to steal secrets or illegally interfere. Nowadays, there are cheap devices that can detect a wide […]

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The meaning of jammers is to protect our personal information and property security

The main function of the jammer is safety. Nowadays, telecommunications has become more and more popular, hackers, enterprises and other organizations can easily monitor the activities of telecommunications users. As part of your security, please avoid vandalism, theft of information, and remote or automatic activation of potentially lethal and potentially explosive devices. For security reasons, […]

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WiFi jammer to solve some public network problems

In the “Wi-Fi Security Blog Trilogy”, I will introduce the opportunities I occasionally encounter when interfering with Wi-Fi signals, especially in the UK, where WiFi has recently seen some explosive developments. In the UK, entire urban communities are already compatible with WiFi. There is no doubt that we will increasingly rely on WiFi networks. Anyone […]

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Portable jammer to stop the privacy of camera prying eyes

With the continuous development of technology and the Internet, many users, especially families with children or pets, many smart cameras are very popular. Because no matter where you are, after opening the client, you can see the shooting scene in real time, which is unimaginable in the previous scene. However, the development of smart cameras […]

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