Hand-held GPS jammers can have many unexpected effects

The FCC report stated that the driver of a Ford F-150 pickup truck was arrested at the airport on August 4, 2012 for using a gps blocker and fined $32,000. On August 3, the FAA filed a complaint of interference. Pilot Gary P. Bojczak was arrested by New York law enforcement officers, who used directional sniffer to patrol the airport. The FCC stated that Bojczak “admitted to possessing and using radio transmission equipment that prevented GPS transmissions. Mr. Bojczak claimed that jamming equipment was installed and used in the company’s vehicles to prevent Bojczak from voluntarily returning the jammer to FCC agents. So far, There is not much collateral damage related to GPS interference, but there are concerns that using this technology may have unexpected effects.

Cockshott said: “The concern is that someone broke into a truck full of iPhones in Dover, which might force the GPS to cross the strait in the fog at night.” “If this happens, there will be collisions and deaths. Or the real risk of landing.” Compared with previous efforts to find GPS jammers near Newark Airport, the FCC is lucky in this situation. John Merrill, the project manager of the Department of Homeland Security responsible for positioning, synchronization and navigation, said at a GPS conference in March 2012 that from March 2009 to April 2009, the FAA and FCC found another on the road. In 2011, it was a New Jersey toll station. The truck driver holds a manual jammer. “Although there is no need to change the GPS, it needs to be made more robust. For many years, manufacturers of signal receiving technology have focused on sensitivity, but lack sufficient flexibility or robustness,” Parkinson said.

“I’m describing a program that I call PTA, which means that protections, enhancements and enhancements have been made to prevent someone from deliberately blocking the program, which makes the GPS receiver more resistant to interference,” and then study when jams occur GPS technology that can be used as a backup. “One of these alternative technologies is called eLoran. It is a modern advancement in the use of long-wave radio signals. It was first deployed in military operations during World War II. eLoran triangulates the low-frequency radio signals emitted by ground beacons to make ships and The aircraft can determine its position and speed.