Ultrasonic jammers work on the same principle

This device, designed by a team of researchers at the University of Chicago, is more effective than traditional jammers because it is worn by users. Make sure the chat room is no longer limited to listening to the movie, and don’t hide the microphone in the room. The great success of connected objects provides an opportunity for everyone to worry about snooping on their private conversations. A reasonable concern, because a Bloomberg survey revealed that the company’s employees unknowingly listened to the owner of a speaker equipped with Amazon Alexa’s virtual assistant.

If they had a thick bracelet designed by researchers at the University of Chicago, it wouldn’t happen. Equipped with an ultrasonic speaker, it projects a sound wave field around the wearer that humans cannot hear, but it will block nearby microphones. According to reports, Amazon employees did not hear the conversation record, but heard white noise.

Nowadays, some ultrasonic cell phone jammer work on the same principle, but since ultrasonic waves tend to travel in one direction, they are only effective for identified microphones. The speakers installed on the bracelet are also subject to the same restrictions: this is why the researchers placed them all around so that they can send radio waves in 360 degrees. For the same reason, they designed a jammer that can be worn on the wrist. Since we often speak while waving our hands, the ultrasound will be more dispersed, thus maximizing its effectiveness.