The price of mobile phone jammers is related to the needs of users

There is a law in economics: the law of value, that is, value determines price, and price fluctuates around value. This law is especially obvious in the field of mobile phone signal jammers. Throughout the past signal shielding projects, the part that best reflects the value is the true demand of the customer, that is, the factor that really determines the price is the demand of the customer. For example, in an indoor area of ​​50m*50m, the cost of a nearby unused base station will be lower than that of a base station; the cost of an unobstructed indoor area will be lower than that of a shielded area; 24-hour uninterrupted full-band shielding will be lower than intermittent The price of shielding in some frequency bands is low; the price of rough trial shielding (just the center shielding) is lower than that of precise shielding; and so on.

In the project, according to the needs of customers, the layout of the site and the strength of the radio signal, the shielding system is often built in the form of shielding host + antenna distribution. This is a more professional and effective reliable technology in the shielding field. The shielding method preferred by the security agency is more reliable than a single device, and its price varies with the size of the shielding area and the on-site environment.

In the family, some parents worry that their children will be addicted to the mobile phone network and will consider buying a mobile cell phone jammer. These devices will directly interfere with the use of mobile phones in the neighborhood. The three major operators will conduct investigations after receiving the complaint. If they are found, they may be subject to illegal penalties.

Therefore, the deciding factor in the price of mobile phone signal jammers is user demand. The shielding requirements are high and the price is high, and the low price will be reduced. However, the original intention of shielding is to achieve results without affecting third parties, so a more perfect shielding will not be too cheap, as the law of value dictates.