Is it possible stay away from drones with onboard cameras

Hello everyone! Recently saw such kind of unmanned aerial vehicle called eye3 at Endgadget so now I’m kinda scared, you know. With such flying thing no matter how high the fence of your house is and how all the entrances are secured – almost anyone can spy on your private life and make video records of it. How this lamentable incident can be avoided?

Phone scrambler application disrupts all frequencies used in the world and knows it does not exist! There is a so-called “BOMB JAMMER”, which is a relatively close product, but there are other problems than those that are not desirable. The first is the price, and we are talking about tens of thousands of euros, which, of course, can not afford it. The second problem is the size, of course, they can not be hidden in the pocket, nor hidden in the hands of the product. The smallest, of course not the most complete, you can carry a backpack, the antenna will far exceed the height of your head!

There is also a factor to watch for, in the end, the removal of all existing frequencies will not help anyone, and if it is not a few people or entities, it will necessarily be adopted. Well, the motherboard given to us is to make sure that you are really interested in removing yourself from buying a frequency signal jammer or table laptop available in our product catalog.

Because such devices are practically available for any person who can afford it, it is not a surprise that the high fence of your house and secured entrances cannot stop the evildoers using one of those flying UAVs to maintain a video surveillance on you. Though you can protect your house and your private life from those camera drones and return the peaceful time to your life