Russian army receives spy satellite jammer

The Russian Ministry of Defense recently received a batch of Krassukha-4 mobile electronic warfare complexes, capable of blurring spy satellite radars, ground-based radars and airborne command and control (SDCA) systems, writes the daily newspaper. Izvestia of April 25, 2013. “Before the end of the year, the electronic war brigades will receive several Krassoukha, which will […]

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Is the GPS threatened

Since the early 2000s, our dependence on satellite positioning systems has grown steadily. From defense, security, management and transportation, these systems are used today for an ever-growing range of critical applications and have become indispensable for positioning themselves accurately anywhere in the world. . However, this dependence entails risks that could hinder what we now […]

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US researcher: Israel’s GPS jamming comes from a Russian base in Syria

The signal that has drone jammer  satellite navigation of aircraft flying in Israeli airspace in recent weeks comes from a Russian air base in Syria, according to data collected by a US researcher. This interference caused by the reception of the Global Positioning System (GPS) does not seem to specifically target Israel, the Jewish state would […]

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Militarization of space, anti-satellite weapons, collateral damage: the new arms race of the space powers

In March 2019, India became the fourth country, after the United States, Russia and China, to prove its ability to destroy a satellite in low Earth orbit by destroying its own spacecraft. Indian Prime Minister Modi describes this feat as a major accomplishment allowing India to become a real space power. This successful trial is […]

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How to act against drones

Posted on February 25, 2015 at 20:29, updated on February 26, 2015 at 13:43 How to act against drones? The question taunts the public authorities while the overflights of sensitive or prohibited areas are multiplying in France, often without it being possible to question the drivers or owners. Unable to destroy these devices by shooting […]

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Report calls Russia a pioneer of GPS spoofing attacks

Russian military and intelligence operations are increasingly using GPS spoofing to protect sensitive locations and cause disruptions beyond the country’s borders or in military zones, a report released this week revealed. The report, written by the Advanced Defense Center (C4ADS), analyzed 9,883 GPS spoofing incidents in Russia and around Russia over the past three years. […]

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The scrambled GPS system in the Eastern Mediterranean? An issue of maritime safety and strategic autonomy

Since the beginning of the year, in the East of the Mediterranean, many ships have been confronted with sudden failures of their GPS [1], impacting their activity but especially their safety. Located around the Suez Canal and in an area from eastern Cyprus to the Lebanese coast, these failures, taken very seriously, were the subject […]

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The ultra secret weapon that allows Putin to establish his supremacy in the electronic warfare in Syria

Russia knew from the outset that NATO’s air and space surveillance systems were able to control the full activity of Russian military aircraft based in Syria. Thanks to the RC135 American reconnaissance aircraft, the British Sentinel R1 planes, the AWACS radar aircraft and the Predator unmanned observation aircraft, deployed on Syria’s borders, it is possible […]

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France is preparing for the real Star Wars

Star Wars is not just a movie. The French and Italian military learned it to their cost last year, victims of an act of espionage at 36 000 km altitude! Their joint satellite Athena-Fidus, which allows to plan the operations of their armies and exchange information, has been approached by the Russian satellite Louch-Olymp. So […]

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Russian jammers have attracted the attention of Chinese media. For the Sina portal, this weapon is a real “puzzle” facing the US, the navigation systems of the Pentagon being an indispensable tool for any mission of the army

Russian electronic gps jammer are able to decommission US GPS receivers and are a real “puzzle” for the United States, writes Chinese portal Sina. As the report indicates, Russian aircraft can paralyze the Pentagon’s GPS systems, forcing the US to concede “one defeat after another”. The absence of the GPS signal significantly reduces the combat […]

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Jammer: Deadly anti-portable weapon

An act punishable by a fine of 450 euros in France, where only penitentiary centers and theaters are allowed to equip “radio facilities making inoperable mobile phones. “(Article L33-3 and 39-2 of the Post and Electronic Communications Code) Provider of twenty French prisons, Pierre-Yves Daumas and his company Magnum Telecom, also delivered individuals until they […]

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Electronic jamming disrupts operations of anti-jihadist coalition in Syria

At the GEOINT 2018 Symposium, held in Tampa, Florida, by the US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation, General Raymond Thomas, the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Chief, delivered valuable information from specialized sites. The War Zone and Breaking Defense. Thus, he said, Syria has become “the most aggressive electronic warfare environment on the planet. And to add: […]

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NATO has to turn off GPS jammers during maneuvers

In advance, it should have been given by the military notifications, according to which the GPS functionality may be disturbed in the region of these days. However, this message did not reach many inhabitants of the region. For example, fishermen were suddenly exposed to a situation in which their position-finding instruments were no longer functioning, […]

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GPS jammers do not disturb missiles

Last Saturday, the US and its allies fired over 110 Tomahawk missiles at targets in Libya. Tomahawks are equipped with GPS satellite navigation systems. GPS signals transmitted with low energy from distant satellites are susceptible to interference, according to Technology Review. signal interference The disruption of GPS signals is operated by North Korea as well […]

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With jammers, Iraq is trying to distract American precision weapons. But what can the devices really do

The box is barely larger than a cell phone, costs a few hundred dollars and apparently makes remarkable achievements: It should be able to turn US precision weapons into aberrations. “GPS jammer” are called these jammers, of which the Americans so far have tracked down and destroyed. They block the signals of the “Global Positioning […]

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