Drone jammers are widely used in the military

That’s why Russia’s drone jammer, and the new counter-drone “special forces” that operate them, don’t necessarily pose an existential risk to the US military’s UAVs. The Russian drone-hunters could struggle to pinpoint targets. “It would seem to be hard to do unless you knew where they were going to be and when,” one former US drone-developer explained on condition of anonymity.

Cellphone jammers are also a necessity in prisons. Authorities have confiscated more than 6,000 cellphones in North Carolina’s 55 prisons since 2005, including 443 so far this year. The numbers rose steadily until 2012, when authorities implemented airport-like entrance and exit procedures, such as metal detectors, X-ray scanners and trained dogs, at higher-security prisons. A state law passed after Janssen’s kidnapping that made it a felony to provide a cellphone to a prison inmate also served as a deterrent, authorities said. Some facilities used “managed access,” an expensive system that blocks unauthorized cell signals, in portions of the prison, but Solomon said signal jamming would extend that across entire prisons and be more effective.

We live in a society that thrives on cell phone usage. We keep them on hand 24/7 in case we need to look something up to win an argument, get an important text or email that couldn’t wait an hour for us to check, or take a selfie of whatever it is that we’re doing that we feel all of our Instagram followers should know about. Our cell phone jammer have found ways to become a part of every single aspect of our lives. And while they have done a great job at connecting us with friends and family around the globe, and helping to organize our lives, we have all had movie experiences ruined by an overzealous texter.

Usually, in the Anti-Drone application, the intention is to jam the Drone when it is hundreds of meters away from the sensitive area/perimeter (where the Jammer is installed). For example, we want to jam a Drone, which is 300 meters away from the Jammer and flying at an altitude of 10 meters. As can be understood, in this case the diagonal distance between the Jammer and the Drone is about the same as the horizontal distance between them. Therefore, in order to simplify things, we will be discussing horizontal distances and we will not bother our selves with calculating the exact distance, because the difference is quite small.