Will the mobile Cell phone jammer affect the drone

Cell phone jammer  is the App that allows you to detect presence of jamming devices around. In that situation your mobile phone loses the ability to make a phone call. If it happened, the App gives you a visual or sound message. The time for reaction on a working jammer depends on hardware communication part of your device and typically can be in 30-60 sec range.

Mobile phones were seized from Block 1,2,3,4 and High-Security block 1. A cell phone jammer had been installed in the prison premises two months back. Last year, there were allegedly 72 mobile phone cases registered, while the number is already at 64 this year.

To catch drones, police and militaries are experimenting with everything from eagles to lasers. Yet in battlefields like northern Iraq, the answer is neither avian capture nor directed light: it’s radio frequencies generated by antennas and pointed at the drones.

Rather than jamming a drone, the Army Cyber Institute at West Point built an antenna-and-computer rifle that fed information into an open channel of an unlocked Parrot drone. This allowed the cyber rifle to send an override code to the Parrot drone, crashing it, without violating FCC and FAA rules on cell phone jammer. At a training exercise this summer, West Point cadets encountered a drone on a simulated raid, and had to use the cyber-rifle to knock it out of the sky. The consequence, for a team that failed to plan around the drone, was an artillery strike that took out the entire machine gun section of the platoon.

Many detainees continue to organize their illegal drug trades from inside prison walls. A cell phone is an essential means for the detainee to keep the drug organization running and closely controlled. By contacting visitors before they arrive, prisoners can arrange for a transfer of drugs and drug paraphernalia, allowing them to continue the same illegal habit that placed them in custody. Frequently, the family endures harassment from its incarcerated relative, demanding bail when the family recognizes the relative is better served remaining in custody.