I believe many people are hesitant about the signal bands emitted by some electronic products, so which radiation is really harmful to the human body? The jammer I just bought a few days ago uses the transmission band to shield the signal, but he is still very worried that this band will cause damage to the human body.
I think this is the truth. Generally speaking, logically, the stronger the network you are in, the more difficult it is to block signals.
-Outdoors, it’s not even worth trying unless you stick it on the phone you want to disrupt.
-Indoors, it depends entirely on the structure of the building and the signal strength through it. I have achieved good results in the supermarket. E.g.
-In public transportation: everything depends on the signal strength at time T; I have achieved excellent results on trains and buses, but not at stations, but in rural areas.
The new thief ’s weapon is a small box that can disrupt the radio signal from the car ’s remote control. Does it work? Yes, good. Watch our video.
Thieves do not need Auto Plus to learn new car theft technologies. On the other hand, our readers are always curious to see the two and the findings that these scammers have engulfed the contents of our car. The general trend in recent years is “intrusion”. Do n’t suspect any intrusions when learning to turn your car on and off. Auto Plus also encountered a new weapon whose design is as simple as its function: to interfere with the radio radiation emitted by gps jammer.
This small box made in China is sold on the counter at an attractive price: about 60 Euros! Thanks to him, we were able to discover the real situation of modern cars; real filters; and detailed information by François Tarrain, journalist of the editorial department of Auto Plus. The principle of operation is simple: close the door while the thief presses his remote control at the same time … and save! The door is no longer closed. Therefore, the advantage lies in checking the correct locking of the door by hand. During the test, 8 out of 10 cars were trapped.
However, in terms of prison institutions, we are trying to take more radical measures. In this case: It is up to the public authority to decide on the installation of the equipment so that the scrambler can carry out the radio waves required for telephone communication. For example, the POA union supports this solution and does not hesitate to remind everyone that more than 7,000 phones and SIM cards were confiscated in prisons in Wales and England last year. The organization said: “For POA, all phone jammers should be equipped with interceptors, and all prisoners with cell phones should be prosecuted.”
UMP recently defended this position in France, and François Cornut-Gentille, a representative of the Upper Marne Department, asked in March last year that “install a jammer to prevent the illegal use of mobile phones in crime places.” However, the elected officials have not yet received a written statement from the Minister of Justice The answer to the question. In any case, we should remember that such solutions, which are regularly proposed, often face implementation problems: an action area is sometimes difficult to master, and the price paid for this is to prove heavy on administrative management.