5G jammer will be strictly controlled by the US government

The White House announced a new strategy to accelerate the development of next-generation wireless networks that can compete with proposals for long-term interference with GPS spectrum. Will 5G become a new GPS anti-interference fuse? Ligado has long expressed its intention to implement 5G. On October 29, a few days after the announcement of the White […]

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5G jammer was born as 5G technology matured

5G will use 512-QAM or 1024-QAM higher-density data compressors / demodulators. Current 4G uses 256-QAM or 64-QAM modulated broadcast data for compression, thereby improving spectrum efficiency. The use efficiency per Mbps / 100MHz is more High can increase the transmission rate. 5G will use 28 GHz millimeter wave communication, for example, Taiwan 4G currently uses […]

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Jammers can save you from cell phone radiation

As the followers of the Pokémon GO game surged this summer, an augmented reality game involves searching around 151 “Pokémon” (Nintendo characters such as Roucool, Salamèche, Carapuce, Pikachu) in the city via a smartphone or tablet , Bulbizarre, etc.) Others), for the sake of public order and higher interests, the National Ministry of Education may […]

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