Jammers have the ability to interrupt participants’ back and forth communications causing major errors

The motto “We stand together, we fall into division” has discovered an unlikely new application in the field of discipline-cybersecurity. Machines-from simple computers (such as personal computers) to complex computers (such as self-driving cars), information must be transmitted to be processed. For example, driverless cars should collect the same information that human drivers may have and respond in kind. From traffic lights to the behavior of other cars, self-driving cars must record and process information quickly and safely in order to determine the procedure: braking, turning and possibly saving lives.

But what if the mix contains another controversial signal that harms the communication? The research team at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has developed a method to avoid interference caused by these signals, namely interference. The research was published in the IEEE/CAA Automation Journal (JAS) in January, which was jointly published by IEEE and the China Automation Association. Lead author Tamer Bazaar said: “The ability to reliably transfer data from the source to the target is crucial when there is reverse interference such as interfering signals.”

Bazaar is the chairman of the Swalund Foundation in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the director of the Advanced Research Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Basar said: “The prototype introduced in this article captures scenarios that occur in many application areas, such as remote sensing systems, network control systems, and network physical systems.” For example, sensors collect information over a period of time and transmit the data to the decision center. The decision center must strive to process the original data accurately. The data may be corrupted because it must be encoded before the decision center and then decoded. Time constraints and limited energy make things more difficult. To further complicate the problem, the portable jammer can prevent the system from running by literally blocking a lot of noise.

Basal said: “Sensors, encoders and decoders work together towards a common goal, and jammers play a role in offsetting the first three actions.” The researchers grouped the three parts together, including A participant in the system to counteract the role of jammers. By working on all three parts as one, they will publish their information guidelines at the same time. There is a difference in communicating with pigeons or the phone. One must tie a message to the pigeon’s leg, the pigeon must travel, and the recipient must retrieve the message from the pigeon. The recipient must then answer in the reverse order and repeat the process. The message may be lost or damaged in multiple places. If the same person picks up the phone, they are more likely to choose the method with the least interference.

When the sensor, encoder and decoder work together, they will perform the next common action. They do not completely block the jammer, but the jammer has no ability to interrupt the work and cause major errors when the participants communicate back and forth. This hierarchical operation is called the Stackelberg feedback solution, and it enables the system to process information based on many pre-calculated thresholds, which depend on the time and number of remaining transmission options. Since sensors, encoders and decoders jointly decide what to process, how and when to proceed, no interference is considered.

The solution is effective, but it is currently limited to one channel. The researchers hope to change this situation. “Our goal is to extend the model presented in this article to more complex systems and achieve a more versatile source process, multiple sensors, multiple channels and sensors equipped with energy collectors that have the potential to supplement sensor consumption Energy is about the random availability of such resources (such as solar or wind),” Bazaar said.