School installs jamming to block students SMS

Frustrated by the ongoing distraction of mobile phone texting and phone calls, a school in Spokane has invested in a device to block the phones from working.

The main reason for this is that students can not focus on their work during class, but spend a large amount of their time on mobile phones, so they are always looking for a tool that can block cell phone signals, so that students can access their lessons can concentrate. The cell phone jammer is a good choice, it can quickly block the phone signal, turn it off when not in use, and the phone can recover the signal.

Spokane spent less than $ 100 to buy a cell phone jammer online, and has just completed a three-day trial period aimed at thwarting students writing lyrics during class.

“We just thought it was something we wanted to evaluate,” said director John Hook.

The Mead School District is working with the FCC to determine if the device is legal before it is used again.

The jammer was turned on during class time and turned off during pass times and lunch break.

“We believe there are times during the school day when parents need access to students and students need access to family members, physicians and other similar things,” Hook said.

But class time is not one of them. Student guidelines require that students have mobile phones if they are turned off during class and kept out of sight; but not everyone has obeyed.