4 steps to protect your phone

If you own a smartphone, you may not know that at some time and place you can interrupt phone service without your permission. A mobile phone jammer is a device that encrypts signals of a specific frequency. This encryption prevents your smartphone from sending and receiving signals. If you think your smartphone has been illegally interfered with, there are several ways to protect your phone and bypass the jammer.

first step

Change location. If you think your smartphone is blocked, please consider your location. If you are close to government agencies or any place where safety is of paramount importance, please go in the opposite direction. Most cell phone jammers are programmed to work within a certain radius. If you leave this area, you can prevent your smartphone from being squeezed.

Second step

Destroy the jammer. If you are in a dangerous situation, please consider destroying or removing the power supply of the mobile phone jammer. Mobile jammers can be placed in closets, hidden behind walls or sitting in the air. The blind spot of the mobile phone jammer is the antenna.

third step

Buy a smartphone that works on multiple frequencies. High-tech cell phone jammers block many frequencies, but other jammers can only block one frequency. If your phone can operate on multiple frequencies, you only need to use other frequencies to protect the jammer.

Step 4

Contact law enforcement. Regarding the use of cell phone jammer, different states and cities have different laws. Some regions have strict laws against them, while others only allow them to be in certain places. If you think someone is using the jammer illegally, please call the police to see if they can grab the jammer from their owner.