Should the cinema be controlled by a cell phone jammer?

After the committee intervened in communications regulations, the Savoy Cinema in Dublin removed a device used to encrypt mobile phone signals. The Irish Times reported on the ticket insert on Thursday that the O’Connell Street cinema uses such devices, which can keep you watching movies away from the control of your mobile phone.

Yesterday, the cinema removed the equipment and plans to dispose of it on Monday. Savoy installed a device called a hand-held jammer to prevent people in the audience from making or receiving calls.

Mark Anderson, the operations manager of the Ward Anderson Group, which operates the Savoy Complex, said: “The equipment we have at a very low level only affects the Savoy Hall 1.” Not very clear. “Anderson believes that mobile phones in movie theaters are not only annoying, but also a potential threat to public order and may cause ugly confrontation between audiences.

Niall McCaughey, head of spectrum compliance at the Communications Regulatory Commission, said he expressed deep sympathy for the plight of Anderson and his customers. He said: “I fully understand this and agree with it.” “Unfortunately, it is still illegal.” Although he suspected that there were others, this was the first time Mr. McCoy realized in Ireland Mobile cell phone jammer used. He said: “We have heard about this kind of thing in about three years.”

“This is the first one I have seen here, although I have sold it on some websites in Ireland.” However, if it does not meet the regulations, it cannot be put on the market. “Mr. Anderson said that appetizers are imported from the United States. It is also prohibited to operate the device in the United States, but it cannot be exported.

McCaughey said the device violated the 1926 “Radio Telegraph Act”, which requires a radio broadcasting license and prohibits interference with existing licensees. It also violates EU directives regarding the sale or use of such equipment and the prohibition of emergency services.

MobileBlocker sends interference signals at the same frequency as the three mobile phone providers Vodafone, O2 and Meteor. Anderson believes that the peace and tranquility of thousands of Dublin movie viewers is once again undermined by annoying sounds of custom ringtones, beeps and uninterrupted text listening.

But Mr. McCoy has only one hope to solve this problem. Since the bandwidth belongs to three mobile operators, they can agree to install “special cells” in certain locations. These still allow access to emergency numbers and prevent normal incoming and outgoing calls. Attempts to develop these systems in other European countries (such as the Netherlands) have not aroused the interest of telephone companies, and telephone companies have also benefited greatly.

However, Mr. Anderson is determined to continue fighting and “emphasizes the injustice of this situation”. At the same time, anyone who wants to watch a movie on the weekend should know about Savoy 1 ’s activities. In the phone booth is Colin Farrell. In my opinion, the rational use of jammers should exert its reasonable value and protect its legitimate rights and interests.