Mobile jammers let students concentrate on learning

A company called Perfectjammer has introduced a 6 kg gun-shaped jammer, which is said to be able to pick up drones from 1.5 kilometers away. Other experts warned that before flying into prison airspace, it is expensive to hire more people to try to find drones. Another consultant advocated blocking drone signals during flight to shut them down, but the Federal Communications Commission prohibits any entity other than the federal government from taking such measures.

The disadvantages of using mobile phones in schools, as our living standards improve, middle school students usually use their own mobile phones or other electronic devices. This situation makes school management very difficult. Students stay awake at night, use text messages on mobile phones, and surf the Internet. During the day, the whole class yawned and the students bent over to sleep. The use of mobile phones in classrooms is very common, and students believe that they have the right to use mobile phones during class. They cannot hear the command and must repeat the command many times because they have sent text messages, listened to music on their phones, played games or watched videos or movies. Some students even answered or made voice calls during class.

Maybe we must try to solve the portable jammer by ourselves. Although it sounds troublesome, you need to make your own cell phone jammer, but this is not rocket science. You can make a cell phone jammer at home. Well, let’s start making jammers, and now, before creating one, let us know how it works. The working frequency of this mobile phone jammer is GSM800, which is the frequency used by most mobile phones. Therefore, the selected VCO is a very effective vibration oscillator, but without exquisite RF test equipment, it is difficult for beginners to build.

The local WiFi jammer is a direct method because the target may be in motion. Here, when transmitting signals on certain frequency bands, a higher power level than the original signal may overwhelm the receiver and block communications. The noise generated by the spark gap will provide energy in every frequency band and every frequency. Four US officials told NBC News that Moscow was worried that the United States would retaliate against the insurgents’ attack on the eastern ancient tower. Therefore, it began to block the GPS systems of some small drones.