Learn to use cell phone jammers to protect yourself

With the development of technology, we have gradually entered the information network era. Nowadays, everyone’s life is inseparable from mobile phones, computers and other network tools. In fact, almost all cars are now equipped with a lot of electronic equipment. However, all these devices must be connected to the network to function properly. There are […]

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Jammers are one of the most controversial device issues on the Internet

Here, we will discuss the working range of jammers. Jammers are one of the most controversial equipment issues on the Internet, and they occupy the position of most customers. We know that each interfering device has a different restricted area, as mentioned earlier. Generally, the higher the power, the longer the stowage radius. The higher […]

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The working range of the jammer is different from the actual working range

How does cell phone jammer work? The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Culture commented on this and pointed out the use of such equipment. Using a device that blocks the reception of cell phone signals by sending its own radio waves does not prevent data verification. Operators of cellular networks have the right to use cell phone […]

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