Car GPS jammers often appear in prosperous cities

Nowadays, many media reports that their information is leaked for no reason. New York Times reporter Edward Wyatt recently stated that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has signed an agreement with operators. If there is a risk of additional charges, please notify the customer. The agreement will take effect within one year and will be proposed after a year and a half of research conducted by the Federal Communications Commission. They called the bill shocking. Wyatt said the bill was shocking: “After receiving a wireless bill once a month, customers suddenly found themselves tapping or abusing voice and messaging services to charge hundreds of dollars in sudden charges, even thousands of dollars .” But for those who do not want the authorities to take action and let them track you around the clock, 365 days a year, the choice is yours. Regardless of the type of GPS tracker connected to the vehicle, the gps blocker that uses the GPS tracker for the car will not work properly.

To me, this modern problem is the most recent symptom of a larger problem that has plagued the United States for at least 25 years. gps jammer can solve this problem. To be precise, it seems that many people find it difficult to understand the difference between “need” and “want.” In the fastest growing era in human history, life in a prosperous country is flourishing, and the line between what makes life possible and what makes life comfortable is just blurred. been deleted. Today, most Americans can still afford basic necessities such as food, water and some housing. For most people, this stability has existed for decades.

Qubulus created another technology called QPS location engine. Their technology uses fingerprint recognition, because every place on the earth has a unique combination of radio waves, so it is unique in itself. Whether it is indoors or outdoors, the system can specify your location, up to three meters. And, of course, the technology uses all available frequency ranges for its operation. The Scottish company Sensewhere has taken a different path. Since the accuracy of Cell-ID technology is about 300 meters and the accuracy of Wi-Fi positioning is about 80 meters, they have created something new. In addition to these two technologies, their servers can also group and locate all mobile smartphones to create more accurate images (up to 5 meters in length) for all devices in each building.