The shielding range of mobile jammers is different

James Katz, director of the Mobile Communications Center at Rutgers University, said: “If there is one thing that defines the 21st century, it must be our inability to control ourselves for the benefit of others.” “Those who call think that they have more rights than those around you. People who carry jammers think their rights are more important.” The radio signal from jamming technology is too strong, causing the phone to be cancelled and no longer able to communicate with the cell phone tower. The effective range of the jammer ranges from a few centimeters to a few meters, and the equipment costs between 50 and several hundred dollars. Larger devices can be reserved to create actual cell phone exclusion zones.

The Federal Communications Commission argued that a person who uses a human jammer can be fined up to $11,000 for the first crime. The commission’s law enforcement office has prosecuted a handful of American companies convicted of delivering equipment, not just those using jammers. The owner said: “Commission investigators and Verizon Wireless visited a famous high-end restaurant in Maryland last year.” The owner declined to be named and admitted that he bought the jammer for $1,000. Because he is tired of seeing their employees through the eyes of the employees instead of the eyes of the customers. “I told them to put down the phone, put it down now,” but they ignored him.

The shipowner said that the investigators of the investigation committee spent about a week using special equipment to find the jammer. But the owner has closed them. Facts have proved that the Verizon investigator and the committee’s work was unsuccessful. The owner claimed, “Yes, he went to someone in the town, gave them a phone number, and said that if they have trouble making a call, please warn him immediately.” The phone has a cell phone jammer. Obviously, it is impossible to see the use of small battery jammers like disgruntled commuters.

European Commission spokesperson Clyde Ensslin (Clyde Ensslin) declined to comment on the matter or declined to comment on the Maryland case. As long as other companies do not interfere with their signals, telephone companies will spend tens of billions of dollars to lease spectrum from the government. There are other additional costs. For example, Verizon Wireless spends $6.5 billion a year on building and maintaining its infrastructure network. Verizon spokesperson Jeffrey Nelson (Jeffrey Nelson) said: “When cellular phone users have a clear and strong need for better phone coverage, these types of devices are difficult to find in the market. The operator operator proposed a public safety Problem: Perpetrators can even use jammers to prevent people from asking for help in an emergency.

In view of the increasingly fierce debate surrounding these devices, CTIA, the leading mobile phone association, urged the Federal Communications Commission to make jammers illegal and continue to prosecute those who violate the law. The relevant rules. He believes that the proposed motion is a response to the two companies that require the use of jamming devices in certain situations (such as in prisons). People who use artificial distractions will show a sense of insults when they are destroyed, while others have a wildcard side and are happy with the misfortune of others. It is amazing to see boring teenagers take them off the phone on their phones. Can you hear me? No! Well, “In the comments on the DealExtreme website, it was written to disturb users.

Ohio therapist Gary (Gary) refused to reveal his identity, citing the illegality of such devices. He believes that the use of rate suppressors is essential to get the job done. Gary conducts group therapy for eating disorders. During a meeting, a woman’s confession was interrupted by another participant’s rudeness. Gary said: “He was talking about his sexual abuse. When another participant’s cell phone rang, regardless of the woman’s sensitive issues, he continued to use the phone in a completely rude manner.”

“People don’t understand etiquette anymore,” Gary explained. “This is a pandemic.” Gary continued, despite having a clear and transparent mobile phone policy, he interrupted the phone during each treatment. Four months ago, he paid $200 for the jammer he secretly placed in a part of the room. He told patients that if they wanted an emergency call, they should tell the front desk their phone number. He did not disclose any information about the jammer. Gary bought the jammer from a website in London. Site manager Victor McCormack said he sends about 400 jammers in the United States every month, compared with 300 last year. He claimed that the order of souvenirs exceeded 2,000 units.

Kumaar Thakkar, a resident of Mumbai, India, sells jammers online. He said that he exports 20 pieces to the United States every month, almost double the amount last year. Clients include the owners of barbershops and barbershops and New York school bus driver Dan. Dan wrote in an email to Mr. Thakkar: “The children think they will be smart when they hide under their seats and use their phones.” He thanked him for selling the jammer to him. “Now, kids don’t understand why their phones don’t work, and they can’t seek explanations, otherwise they’ll get into trouble! It’s fun to see how they find signals.” said Andrew, an architect based in San Francisco, who initially used interference The machine is very interesting, and with the passage of time, it has become a means of getting some peace and quiet in the train home. Instead, he now admits to using it more economically and cautiously. Andrew admitted: “Up to now, I know that I have the ability to block calls from other people, and I am very satisfied.”