How can I stop the work of Garmin Fenix GPS watch?

Hello everyone! I just need to block those Garmin GPS watch. Please help me.

Mobile phone is for the information age, it is an important communication equipment, and entertainment devices, but for the use of mobile phones should have some rules, not all can use in any place, as in the call of the gas station is prohibited. to use your mobile phone in an airplane, but do not let it affect others.

As for the GPS location tracking, it uses special sensor that has a lot of features. Among them are time and other sensors calibration, route setting and tracking, directing to waypoints you have placed and guiding you back to the starting point of your trip with TracBack function. And, in addition to all those things, you can use Garmin Fenix GPS watch as an ordinary watch to get time and date when you need it.

To stop the work of this watch you need to use Garmin Fenix GPS  jammer that will prevent all tracking signals from that gadget. And if you need to get rid just of its Bluetooth connectivity – you can use Garmin Fenix Bluetooth jammer that will solve the problem for you.