How can I prevent RFID signal tracking

Hi people! I hope someone knows what RFID is and also this person may know how to prevent this RFID thing from sending its tracking signal and uncovering my location. Anyone?

Hi! Now, with the popularity of cell phones, scrambling phones is no longer a new thing, people want to meet the demands of different people, in the market of different types of mobile phone blocking for people to choose. According to the application, the interfering signal split for the automotive industry, office use, personal use, such as schools and prisons use signal jammers. They are primarily designed to be used when designed phone jammers, perhaps a car to its unique application.

Looking at your question I guess you Rene have some troubles of such manner. I don’t know exactly why do you need to get rid of that kind of tracking but considering the fact that I hate personal freedom intrusions I would tell you how can you do that. In order to break free from tyranny of RFID tracking you need to use RFID jammers which can block all signals of RFID tracking device under your skin.