Effectivity that equipment to jamming all video spy and audio spy

Hi admin ! I’m from Indonesia. Sorry if my english is not good. I want to ask whether the jamming equipment being sold is really very effective to interfere/to jamming video recorder and audio recorder from mobile phone, pda, or tablet? Is it really effective to disrupt/to jamming the portable spy-video recorder and portable spy-audio recorder, or from CCTV? If you can give me on the video link or a blog that describes the effectiveness of this tools, I would be very grateful. I am very interesting to get into this the security business. Bigfully thank for the answer 😉

We should also mention that this collection of personal information can be extremely dangerous for smartphone users and mobile Internet users. The main reason here is that we store a lot of personal and sometimes very sensitive information in our mobile gadgets. The information we were talking about included text messages, a list of contacts, all the files and data of our GPS module. This is dangerous because many sites can locate us not only by using an IP address, which can be easily replaced by a proxy, but by using the GPS data and the triangulation of the cell tower.

Different websites use cookies to remember your activity on the server. This information can also be used by advertisers to provide you with the most relevant ads. If you are ready to ensure maximum anonymity while surfing the web, you should try using free proxy servers or VPNs. These are fairly effective measures that will not allow anyone to know your physical location.

When you try to access a website, your browser sends your IP address, location, operating system information, and screen resolution to a server.

When you fill out and submit a form on the site, it is saved on the server.

So, if you would like to use a signal blocker against any device, that uses radio frequencies to transmit data – you will just have to find out what frequencies it is working with, and pick a gps  jammer device, that is compatible with them. For example, if you need to block CCTV cameras, you will have to get a CCTV signal jammer and turn it on.

It is really good that you are trying to find as many information on signal blockers as you can before using them and we will try to help you with that. First of all, some theory about jamming devices can be found at the articles section of jammer-store.com. Also, if you would like to know about the latest news about security, privacy and data protection, you may visit our security blog