How to protect myself from camjacking?

Hello, I recently stumbled upon a new camjacking technique, it uses your own browser and a web camera to spy on you. I’d like to protect myself from that, but I don’t want to turn my camera off, because I need it quite often, is there any way to achieve that?

You should know that such tracking using browser data or data provided by satellite navigation can be very useful not only for advertisers but also for law enforcement. It will be easier to fight against cybercrimes or mobile fraud. On the other hand, it can also help many criminals. As already mentioned, it is possible

Recently, we wrote about how Verizon Wireless started selling customer information to major advertisers. The company gave them location, gender, and age information so that advertisers can now provide you with relevant ads based on your location. Although this information has been de-identified, this fact has shown us that leading cellular carriers can easily locate us.

That exploit works great with Windows 8 and Mac OS, its work is not guaranteed with Windows 7 or earlier and Ubuntu. So, actually, your webcam may be used to spy on you and there are a couple of possible ways how to prevent that. First of all – avoid suspicious sites, they may gather information on you. Second – use cameras with a LED working indicator, or a folding screen, to cover the lens. If we are talking about wireless cameras – use a Wi-Fi jammer device to block that, when you don’t need it.

Anyway, we recommend to avoid wireless cameras, because the information they send to a PC may be intercepted and, in a matter of fact, Wi-Fi networks are vulnerable and may be used against you. But the true danger that hacking technique may pose to notebook and tablet users. Their cameras are built-in and in most cases they have no screens or LED indicators. In that case, the solution will be to deny all the incoming connections to the Flash Player plugin