GPS Problem and GPS signal blocker

When I see that, I tell myself many things … 1, it will be cool to be delivered in the day. 2, that if you have no garden, you’re fucked. 3, that if the drone crashes on your house or cuts off one of your children, you’re in the mud. And finally, that the redneck who serves as your neighbor after a good day to booze will surely take out the rifle to “bump aliens”.

All these reasons make me skeptical about delivery by drone signal jammer … M’enfin, why not. A Jeff Bezos to show us the opposite!

Now, where it gets funny, it’s that I just found Github Samy Kamkar who is working on a project called Skyjack. By using a Parrot AR Drone 2, a Raspberry Pi, a USB battery, and an Alfa AWUS036H WiFi card, he can send his drone to patrol the sky to take over other drones.

How? ‘Or’ What ?

And of course on his drone, he runs his app (Skyjack), nodeJS, node-ar-drone and aircrack-ng and can force the WiFi disconnection of surrounding drones and thus reconnect by masquerading as the owner. As you can see, he can regain control of any drone using WiFi and build an armada of zombie drones.

Where it’s nice is that if you do not have a drone, it is possible to run Skyjack on your Linux machine (it also runs on Raspberry).

Jeff Bezos therefore has a lot of interest in securing his drones if he does not want malicious people to take possession of them and hijack the parcels. In any case, if you have a drone to spy on the neighbor, tremble mere mortals, because this one may go to Skyjacker