Blook Entire 300-400Mhz and 450-512Mhz Frequency band

If not, can you program one of your devices to block the entire frequency ranges list? It can be two separate products if needed.

Blocking GPS receivers could also more directly affect the ability of helicopters to accurately target targets. The AC-130W Stinger II, one of the types we know has overflew Syria and Iraq, relies heavily on precision guided munitions, including GPS guidance such as the small diameter bomb GBU-39 / B.

It does not appear that the drone was hit by a projectile or a laser during its descent (although evidence of such a change would certainly change this analysis). In the absence of a physical projectile, the known non-kinetic methods for stopping a drone are threefold: radio frequency (RF) interference, scrambling of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and identity theft. In case of RF GPS signal  jammer  the link between the drone and its operator is broken, usually causing the descent of the drone or his return home. With GNSS, the drone’s link with satellite navigation is lost, and the drone usually hovers on the spot, lands or goes home. With the usurpation, the attacker feeds the drone with new information to take control of his flight.

The head of the US Special Operations Command said unidentified opponents in Syria, possibly Russian or Russian support troops, reportedly launched electronic warfare attacks against US-based AC-130 gunboats operating in the country. , as well as other means of communication. This is the latest in a series of reports that highlight the growing threat of jamming and other non-kinetic attacks on US military activity in the region and in general.

And the other option is building a custom device for you, that will work with the specified frequencies. The main benefit here is that you will get a device, that fits your needs perfectly and the main disadvantage is the fact that you will have to wait for some time, until the device is actually made and tested. The signal blocker will have the working range you’ve specified and the price of the device will depend on it greatly.

We suppose that building a custom device is better option, because in that case you won’t have to buy a couple of separate devices, so you’ll save some money and won’t have to face the inconvenience of using two devices instead of one. So, if you’d like to order such a custom device, all you’ll need is to contact our support team and provide the information on the frequencies you need and the working range.