Can someone gain access to my bank account through my smartphone?

Hello, guys, I really need help. I was using mobile banking for a couple of years already and everything was fine, but recently I’ve bought a new shiny Nexus and installed a mobile banking app there. In a week I’ve noticed that sometimes goes wrong with my money, because I’ve noticed a couple of suspicious payments that I’ve never did. I asked my bank to block my account for some time, but I suppose that someone may have used my smartphone for hacking my mobile banking account. Is it really possible and is there something I can do about it?

The US government has spent $ 17 billion to buy 50,000 scrambling units with fantastic names like Warlock Green, Warlock Red, Warlock Duke, Acorn and more. But at the beginning of the war, there was a bit of a game of cat and mouse between radio wifi signal jammer and IEDs and jammers were far behind. They were too slow, they could not adapt and they could only offer a protection of a few meters. Hell, sometimes two jammers locked up on each other and canceled each other out.

It works by wifi jammer signals to drones, making them unresponsive. A thermal imaging camera allows the Auds operator to target the unwanted drone before the signal jamming, via a high power radio signal, is activated.

The United Kingdom will use sophisticated UAV scrambling technology at major public and sports events to detect, track and disrupt the controls of any unauthorized air vehicle flying at a distance from terrorists as airborne weapons.

Second, you should check your smartphone for viruses. You should know that all malware that works on Android uses your permissions and that is why it will be wise to check them. You can find the necessary info here, at that post. There’s also some data on how to detect and avoid malware for Android there.

Finally, we at Jammer-Store can tell you that it was wise to call your bank and temporary suspend your account, because evildoer, or a virus that hacked your mobile banking app would be able to steal all the money from there. It is the first you should do when you notice that something is wrong with the payments. If it is a malware, it would be useful to get a cell phone blocker, because it may temporary block all the data transmissions of your smartphone and maybe even save some money for you