How to use GPS jammer properly

When you receive information about GPS jammers, you may wonder what they are and what potential applications they have.

Before explaining the GPS jammer itself, it is best to explain how GPS works. GPS stands for Global Positioning System, which is used by individuals, business entities, and the military, mainly for navigation purposes.

How GPS jammers work The global positioning system uses a series of satellites in Earth orbit to send radio signals. The signal reaches the GPS receiver to determine the position through triangulation. GPS can be found in various portable devices and mobile phones, navigation and vehicle positioning systems, and small GPS tracking devices.

Using triangulation, the method of measuring three independent points to calculate the position, the position can be found. In the car’s navigation system, the position of the vehicle is measured by three satellites orbiting the earth. Using triangulation, GPS can transmit positioning information to the receiver with an accuracy of only a few inches.

The GPS signal is a radio signal using a specific frequency. GPS actually has two main frequencies, one is mainly for non-military public use (1575.42 MHz) and the other is only for the US military (1227.6 MHz). Because GPS is just weak radio waves, although technical equipment and expertise are required for this, GPS jammers can be used to block or distort these waves.

cell phone jammer were originally created by the government for military organizations and spy agencies. Uses include confusing the enemy in the exact location, or where the enemy ’s GPS-guided missile or bomb falls, and using GPS jammers to get rid of GPS tracking.

Recently, in a world increasingly monitored by GPS, civilians seek these devices to protect their privacy. However, most civilians do not have the technical ability to create their own equipment because it is much more complicated than blocking radio signals through basic radio interference.

There are several civilian uses that can interfere with GPS signals. This is primarily related to privacy, including the ability to mask yourself or the vehicle while the GPS receiver is tracking. A practical application is a seller or delivery driver who may wish to eat lunch outside their territory or go home to retrieve a forgotten item without having to do much explanation due to GPS tracking on their vehicle. The coverage of most civilian GPS jammers is sufficient to cover even the largest vehicles, providing users with covert cover. We also provide GPS tracking detectors that can locate signals from the tracked device.