Can someone use Samsung DV300F in the wrong way?

Hi guys! I’ve heard that this new Samsung DV300F camera has a WiFi connection. Can this be used for some bad things?

Cell phone jammers are gadgets that are used to block mobile phone signals in a specific range from a few kilometers to a few hundred meters. It blocks the signals effectively.

Now lets talk about Samsung DV300F from the other side – its WiFi connectivity. On the one hand, it is very useful if you are the owner of such camera and have no desire to use it in the wrong way. The WiFi allows you to send freshly shot pictures right to the Picasa, Facebook or other website where you are willing to share them. On the other hand, bad guys can use this feature to take your photos from far distance (remember 5x zoom?) and send them to the remote server in a blink of an eye, so even if you will manage to spot and catch them and break their camera your photos will be already gone. And blackmailing is probably not the thing you want to become a victim of, right?

3G 4G high power cell phone signal jammers not only support the 4G network, but also support the 3G network, regardless of the 3G 4G phone, will help you not to meet your customers, friends, family, strangers or colleagues, when You are at work or you want to relax for a while. Mainly used to prohibit the use of mobile phones in public places. Like hospitals, cinemas, theaters and other occasions. The main function of these jammers is to stop the frequency, so that the caller receives the message when your handset is on the cover instead of the handset being turned off. It is very convenient and easy to install.