Is it possible to block GSM/GPS tracking device, without blocking mobile phones?

Hello! I need to block a GPS tracker installed in my car, but the problem is that I need my mobile phone working. I need to know what information the tracker will send to a dispatch, if I’ll block GPS only. Many thanks in advance!

Russian forces again blocked GPS in northern Norway last month. The effects were particularly felt by aviation and telecommunications. This follows a similar week-long scrambling episode in the same region in September and a Baltic scramble later in the month, which disrupted cellular service in parts of Latvia, Sweden and from Norway. He also intervened at the same time that Russia started scrambling and neutralizing the sophisticated weapons systems of the United States in Syria.

The US military wants the UAV-mounted Wi-Fi signal jammer to dominate the future electronic warfare and move to a poorly understood and unregulated procurement method for obtaining them.

Otherwise you’ll have to use a simple GPS jamming device, which will block communications between satellites and the tracker. In that case the tracker won’t be able to determine your location, but it will still have a connection with a dispatch and will notify him or her that satellite signal was lost. Also, you should consider cell tower triangulation. If that tracker has specific software – it will be able to determine your raw coordinates between three closest cell towers.

Also, you should consider that those trackers may have additional modules, such as fuel indicator, built-in accelerometer and others, which do not need GPS signals to function properly. All the data collected with those modules is sent to a dispatch via GSM frequencies and will be visible to him or her no matter have you turned GPS jammer on or off. So, we at suggest that the best way here is to block both GSM and GPS frequencies and switch to a CDMA cell phone, otherwise, data leaks may be critical.